Formal Requirements

In order to be accepted as an ERASMUS exchange student, you must be a student of a partner university which has signed ERASMUS+ Bilateral Agreement with Politechnika Krakowska.

Erasmus+ application procedures 

Nomination by Microsoft Forms

Politechnika Krakowska requires the home university Erasmus Coordinator to complete the nomination form which will be accepting nominations within the below specified deadlines and asking for the following information:

  • First and last name of the student
  • Student’s e-mail address
  • Field of study and the faculty at which the student is going to study in Kraków
  • Period of studies

Nomination deadlines:

  • March 1st to April 30th for a winter semester and whole academic year
  • August 1st to September 30th for a summer semester

The partner university has received a link to the mentioned Microsoft Forms in an e-mail regarding procedures at our institution. Please note that we will only accept the nominations submitted via our form.

Online application

Students nominated by their home universities for Erasmus+ mobility will receive an e-mail from the Erasmus+ Office with the personal link to the online application. The following documents have to be uploaded into the application system:

  • Recent photo (jpg.);
  • Online Learning Agreement – signed and approved (by home university Erasmus Coordinator and the Coordinator of the Faculty the student is going to stay at);
  • Official English Language certificate (at least B1 level), issued in English (or certified translation into Polish);
  • Copy of passport or identity card (students outside of the EU are obligated to submit a copy of passport);
  • Copy of European Health Insurance Card

Please make sure that your complete application, including all the required documents uploaded, has reached Politechnika Krakowska within the deadline. Late applications will not be accepted.

Application deadlines

  • May 1st to May 31st for a winter semester and whole academic year
  • October 1st to November 20th for a summer semester


Students will receive an e-mail of admission a few weeks after submission. Non-European citizens will additionally receive a “Letter of acceptance’” needed when applying for a visa.

Logo Funduszy Europejskich - Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój
Logo programu Erasmus +
Flaga Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Logo Funduszu Stypendialnego i Szkoleniowego
Logo Unii Europejskiej - Europejski Fundusz Społeczny
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