Polish Language Course

Politechnika Krakowska offers a 60-hours course of basic Polish (5 ECTS). You will experience ‘chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie’ pronunciation, reading, songs, a bit of Polish grammar and a lot of real life situations.

Polish Language Course is held during the whole semester (winter or summer) and it takes place near the PK residence halls.

We offer a limited number of spots available in the Polish language course groups. Shortly before the application period, students will be sent an enrolment form. Those who do not manage to qualify, will remain on the waiting list and will be informed should any spots become available.

The Polish language course is free of charge for Erasmus students coming at the Cracow University of Technology.

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Flaga Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
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Logo Unii Europejskiej - Europejski Fundusz Społeczny
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