Academic Planner App

Dear Erasmus Students

Welcome and thank you for choosing Poland for one of the most exciting Times in your academic career. Make yourself at home and have a look at an Academic Planner as an application that will certainly help you during your stay in our country. The planner suggests ways of spending your free time, recommends sites worth visiting and tells you how to deal with problems you might encounter. Get familiar with history of Poland, its traditions and culture. Experience our Polish hospitality, make lasting friendships and pick up some language as well!

Logo Funduszy Europejskich - Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój
Logo programu Erasmus +
Flaga Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Logo Funduszu Stypendialnego i Szkoleniowego
Logo Unii Europejskiej - Europejski Fundusz Społeczny
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